Home is something I have thought about a lot lately...partially because we just bought a new house. We started the process of moving in July. Bryan and I had very briefly talked about buying a new house but it became serious when we randomly decided to look at a triplex that seemed to be a perfect fit. Some people say Bryan and I are impulsive or have a lot of changes in our life...well this really was a very quick decision! Bryan woke up the next morning and said, "What if this house is God's way of answering our prayers for a more simple life?" We had been trying to pay off debt and cut things in our budget for awhile but it seemed like we needed a drastic change. We really felt like selling our house and buying this one was what we were supposed to do.
I felt crazy! I was 3 months pregnant and had to pack quickly. There were so many details that had to fall into place. I remember packing the magnets on the fridge and bawling because this was our "home." This was where we brought Cadence home from the hospital! (We had only lived there a little over two years, but I grew up in a family that never moved so this felt huge.) From the beginning Bryan and I prayed every night for God to take this into His hands. We only wanted to move if this was going to be used somehow to make us more like Jesus and to bring His love to others. Long story short, we ended up living with my parents for 6 weeks while waiting for our house to get ready to move into. We had decided to live in the top floor apartment and rent out the other two apartments to pay off debt and live more simply for awhile.
I love my family and I am so thankful that they embrace Bryan and he feels so comfortable there as well. We had a great experience living there. I had great conversations with my Mom and sister that I wouldn't have had if we hadn't stayed there. It felt great to be around them so much and for Cadence to spend so much time for family. However, about two weeks in I started to feel restless. I wanted my own space to relax in, my own kitchen, my own bathroom! I really started to wrestle with my heart in all of this. Could I be content in any situation? Should I long for those things or should I be able to feel "at home" anywhere because I have God? What I really wanted was my comfort zone and I felt anxious because I didn't have it. I want MY own couch and MY own bed. How attached am I to those things? Did I really want this new house to be used for God's glory or did I want it to be comfortable?
Now that we're settled in I have been thinking about this even more. I want Bryan and I's house to be a place of comfort, for us and for others. I want it to be filled with love, joy, and peace so that people feel at "home" here. I also want to have these things with me wherever I am. I don't want to feel discontent when I'm not at my house. I want to feel at home everywhere because I have a relationship with Jesus. I want to bring "home" to people. When Bryan gets to our house at the end of the day, I want him to feel like he's "home" not because we have an awesome clean house but because his wife is at peace and completely fulfilled in Jesus. When people spend time with me I want them to feel at "home" with me because they can see Jesus.
At Mosaic on Sunday, Aaron ironically talked about this idea of home and it was even more confirmation of the things I had been pondering. A lot of the time I feel defeated and overwhelmed by life. Either by things going wrong in my life or the mess of the world around me. He talked about how we long for "home". This is something I believe starts now. I can see the mess of the world and even my own struggles and know that God is with me and is creating this beautiful "home" in my heart and starting to bring bits and pieces of heaven to earth through my life. The more I get to know God, the more content I am with exactly where He has me in life. I know that He is using my life and circumstances in greater ways than I may ever see. The more I find peace, love, and joy in Jesus...the more I feel "home" wherever I am.